Traffic issue in Karachi

Traffic issue

Through columns of your reputed paper, I want to draw the attention of authorities to the traffic problem in our city. As it involves the great loss of time, property and life. It requires priority. I am a student of University and I need to travel to the university from my residence to attend my classes on daily basis but the situation of traffic jam throughout the city and the worst condition of roads making it miserable for all the students who want to reach university on time to attend their classes, specially in the morning, as it is the peak time of traffic

Population of the city has grown rapidly, with this the number of the city’s problems have also gone up. Besides traffic jams, noise pollution is also increasing by alarming balance. Everyone looks in hurry and wants to go fast, especially the motorcyclists, rickshaws and bus drivers break traffic rules and create problems for others. Every one moves with his own will, due to this traffic mess, the students, office workers and others usually cannot reach to their destination on time. The ever-increasing rush of heavy traffic on the roads often results in loss of human life. Karachi is fraught with problems but traffic issue is the most disgusting issue.

If you are the citizen of Karachi you must encounter the worst traffic jam in every morning or evening time on famous roads of the city, if you want to travel across the city in that time, you must have a great patience because there is a massive traffic jam all over the city. It was not the problem of any particular area, it was the problem of the whole city, people of the city are stuck every day in traffic when they are going to the offices, schools and universities. People reach back to their homes from their working places after spending several hours in the traffic jams on this road.

Several times, there is no traffic officer on the roads who can clear and balance the roads. People of the city are getting frustrated day by day. Car and bike accidents have become daily routines and common. Government is not interested in this serious issue which devastate the whole city. It needs a proper attention of the concern authorities to solve it and give a relief to the people.

In order to improve the traffic situation in big cities, I suggest the following steps:

1. Roads should be widened, and local transport should strictly observe their allotted routes.

2. Only those vehicles should be allowed to come on the road, which are fit in all respects.

3. Traffic Police and other concerned staff should be efficient and honest.

4. Over speeding should be checked and if drivers found guilty then they should not be spared.

5. Public awareness about traffic rules should be given to the public and it should be the first priority.

Implementation of traffic safety rules by traffic police is must. People should drive more sensibly and responsibly. Hence we all can work in this way to solve the big threat of the current time. I hope if people and government prioritize these suggestions , situations will be better and people will enjoy safe and smooth traveling. It will help people to improve their mental and physical health as well. I request the higher authorities and the department of traffic police for taking severe steps so that everyone can travel with comfort.

 Sumaira bibi


Traffic jam
