The Broken Wings by Kahlil Gibran | Book review |

The broken wings book by Kahlil Gibran

The Broken Wings is a novel book which is written by Kahlil Gibran. This book was published in 1912. He wrote many books which are The Prophet , The Earth Gods and many more. Kahlil Gibran was neglected for a long period of time by the scholars but he started working in order to bring improvement. The Broken Wings is a small story which discusses about the real life of Kahlil Gibran who immersed in love with a pretty girl named Salma. Furthermore, his life was full of sorrow and hardships before meeting Salma. He dreamed that the girls are so beautiful and he was enjoying and meeting with beautiful girls with the white cloth. He felt love with her got married but he was dreaming .

Once Kahlil Gibran met with his father's friend who was very close to his father. Gibran did not know about it. The man said to Kahlil to visit his home but Kahlil didn't know that it would be a turning point of his life. Gibran went to his home and he found a beautiful girl who was the daughter of Gibran's father's friend named Salma. Gibran fell in love with her. He used to visit more just to see Salma. Soon, Salma also started loving Gibran and they used to talk together. They both decided to marry but due to financial problems, they could not marry. Few months later, Salma got married to a rich man but her husband was a cruel and Salma was not happy with her husband. After a period, Salma got pregnant and during the birth of child, she passed away. When Kahlil Gibran became aware of it, he became mentally ill and dejected. His life became colorless and remained a broken person on account of Salma's death. 

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The broken wings by Kahlil Gibran
