Balochistan is in the plight


Balochistan is confronting some hardships which are devastating to the whole conditions of Balochistan. Such as floods, electricity crises, water crises, destructed roads, terrorism, poverty, lack of education, etc. So these are the issues that are undermining the circumstances of Balochistan. Balochistan is the largest province of Pakistan with a lot of natural resources. However, it is confronting numerous challenges which are woeful.

1. Flood

Nowadays everyone is aware that floods are making backward Balochistan in every field such as, people dying, and the agricultural system is wasted. Due to the flood, A lot of professions were destroyed. It is also affecting wildlife. The fruits and vegetable farms are coming down and those are decomposing day by day. Besides this, most of the roads has demolished. So it is one of the biggest issues in our province.

2. Electricity crisis.

The electricity crisis is one of the serious issues in Balochistan. Due to this issue, many people left this world during the summer seasons. Besides, The electricity is making a lot of problems to bust up the province. Balochistan's electricity is reaching every corner of the country but Balochistan is not gaining such a thing that can support every field.

3. Water crisis

As usual, water plays an integral role in our lives. this is the natural thing that is most valuable everywhere. But alas! the Baloch people are deprived of such a God's gift. They are often not receiving water to drink. It is extremely woeful that their need is not being completed.

4. Destructed roads.

Roads use for transportation and communications from anywhere to everywhere. So Balochistan is facing a bigger problem with roads. Such as due to this issue people are facing many problems. Every day ten or more than ten death reports come by the dropped-away roads. So it is a completely serious issue in Balochistan.

5. Terrorism.

So as you are seeing nowadays terrorism is so common and people are being robbed. Because of this issue many raped and robbing cases are coming in front of us and people are afraid to come out to their's homes. And a lot of men and women are disappeared due to this issue.
So this is the issue that is changing the face of Balochistan to black.

6. Poverty

Poverty is the root of every problem in the world. Such as it can affect people's compelling to do suicide. poverty does not let anyone be comfortable. as usual it is running out of its limit. and it is causing too many issues in Balochistan.

7. Lack of education

Education is as much important for a human being as bread and water are necessary to be alive. But most of the Baloch people are deprived of such a beneficial and beautiful thing. Because of this issue, many problems are being caused. This issue, people are not aware of this modern technological world. And they are just busy with their launch and dinner. Due to this issue, most people forget their language and culture. It means they are uneducated they do not know what are values of a language and culture are.

So as you have seen, several problems are the pain Of Balochistan. Which are taking back the province in every field. At least I would like to request the current provincial and High governments should solve such problems. Likewise, the region should be taking action about such burning issues.

Shahbaz Ghani
