Storytime: Encouragement gives meaning to the life by Mubarak Faryad


It was a Monday morning when I woke up and went to school but unfortunately, that day was humiliating because a significant program was being conducted by side of the school with the encouragement of students, as well as our best teacher was missing that day. This became a grief disruption for every student in our class but mostly for Ahmed Jan, because, from the beginning of this class, he made hope that he will be going on the stage to deliver a grateful speech but unfortunately, he lacked the confidence.

Interim, that day a teacher by the name of Ali Jan came to attend our class. Similarly, he took everyone's introduction lastly, it came the time of Ahmed Jan, Ahmed Jan was completely unconfident, but Sir Ali Jan start encouraging him to eschew his weaknesses of being unconfident and told him that he must start living in this today's world. Still, Ahmed Jan was unable to do his introduction, and another student did his introduction. After that, Sir Ali Jan announced that the one who has been selected for the speech must come and share their speeches for the final selection process. But without Ahmed Jan no one was ready for speech but Ahmed Jan was too nervous about this. Sir Ali Jan encouraged him as well as selected him for the speech.

After that, Sir Ali Jan always came to encourage Ahmed Jan but one day Ahmed Jan said,” I can not do this because it is too tough for me, I will not go on the stage because people will laugh at me, I can not do this" but Sir Ali Jan did his level best to more encourage him and said to Ahmed Jan that you can do this because nothing is impossible in this world. If you do try you will get what you want. Similarly, after that Ahmed Jan became somehow confident but not as much as needed.

Day by day, Ahmed Jan was being somehow more confident due to the suggestions and encouragements of Sir Ali Jan. Finally, after one month the day of the program arrived, and firstly all the other speakers shared their speeches and lastly it came the time of Ahmed Jan. He went on the stage but he was on the edge and closed his eyes also stopped like a low battery, then directly sir Ali Jan stood from his place and went to stand in front of Ahmed Jan and sir Ali Jan said to him see me and start your speech when Ahmed Jan took at sir Ali Jan he confidently started his speech and delivered it in a great way. After finishing directly he came to express gratitude to Sir Ali Jan.

Lastly, when the results of the speeches were announced, Ahmed Jan was the best speaker. He went on the stage and got the best trophy. Simultaneously, he became too much glad as well as delivered his trophy to sir Ali Jan. Similarly after that Ahmed Jan became more intelligent in his class as well as in school because of Sir Ali Jan.

Moral: Encouragement gives meaning to the life. 

Mubarak Faryad

The writer is a student at DELTA, Turbat, Kech. 

