Story: Family is everything



Once upon a time, there lived a boy named Rafiq. He belonged to a poor family and had nothing to eat. From the birth of Rafiq, his parents dreamed of becoming a doctor in this poor family but unfortunately, poverty broke his parent's ambitions. After not becoming a doctor, Rafiq took a decision and then went to work in another city. He worked hard and earned money. However, he had a very sharp mind and got each thing in a second by using his mind in the right direction. In addition, in the same city, he met a girl named Mahnoor, he fell in love with that girl and forgot about his poor family. However, he worked for many months but did not give a single rupee to his waiting family for a one-time meal on these rupees. One day his father went to find out what his son was doing in the city because he had not seen him sending money to his poor family for many months. But the main result was that his son didn't want to see his parents again because he despised them because of poverty. Similarly, when his father saw him and was glad to see him safely in front of his eyes and then his father asked: " We were waiting for you to send us money but you could not send anything for us, may I know the reason, my son?"His son replied," I don't know even who you are."His father was shocked to hear his son's words and thought deeply about how the child could forget his parents. After being disappointed, he left the office. However, a few months later, the son became a barrister but his girlfriend left him due to his behavior with his father. She explained the words, " If you do not belong to your parents, how can you be ours if you can leave your parents then you can also leave me, how will ensure that you will always be with us?”After this moment, she left him forever. He then realized his mistake and decided to go straight to his home to apologize for his mistakes. When he got home he walked over to his parents and cried, Simultaneously, told, " I am sorry, my parents, please forgive me and I realized my mistakes."As his parents, they forgave him and after that they started a new happy life. This story shows where you are in which corner of the world but you have to think about your parents because due to them we are present in the world and they need our help in their entire lives. 

Mubarak Faryad

The writer is a student at DELTA, Turbat 

