Reclaim Your Heart review by Qadeer Nazeer

Reclaim your heart by yasmin mogahed book

The book "Reclaim Your Heart" is written by Yasmin Mogahed which indicates the real love with persons and the God. It is written with an effective manner which makes one compelled to read it and get the real meaning of love.

The book Reclaim Your Heart indicates the real meaning of love which is the name of relationship between to Persons and the book says that the love of person doesn't work because the persons are temporary and they also leave each other with the passage of time. The people can't maintain the live till the end of world. If there is one who can maintain the real love then that's God who never gives up the love for humans. God is the only one who always maintains the relationship of love. The love of people is not true that's why they leave each on account of death and breakup. It means that the God is only trustworthy to make relationship with Him and to make a strong love with Him because God is with us every time, in every situation, and in every kind of circumstances. The one who doesn't feel alone is in love with God.

Qadeer Nazeer

      Turbat, Kech 

Reclaim your heart
