Friendship is a blessing of Allah by Sajid Barkat


Friendship is a devoted relationship between two people in which both of them have true feelings of love, care and affection for each other without any demands or misunderstanding. Generally, friendship occurs between two people having the same tastes, feelings, and sentiments. It is considered that friendship has no limitations of age, sex, position, caste, religion, and creed but sometimes it is seen that economic disparity or other differentiation damages the friendship. Thus, it can be said that true and real friendship is possible between two like-minded and uniform-status people having feelings of affection for each other. Many friends in the world always remain together in a particular time but only true, sincere, and faithful friends remain with us forever and they never let us be alone in our bad times or in the time of hardships, and troubles. Our bad times make us able to recognize good and bad friends. Everyone has an attraction towards money by nature but true friends never make us feel bad when we become in need of money or needy. However, sometimes lending or borrowing money from friends keeps friendships at great risk. Friendship may be affected anytime by others or our own so we need to make a balance in this relationship. Sometimes friendship gets broken due to the ego and matter of self-respect. True friendship needs proper understanding, satisfaction, and helping nature's trust. A true friend never exploits but tends to motivate each other to do the right things in life. But sometimes the meaning of friendship becomes changed totally due to some fake and fraudulent friends who always use another one in the wrong ways. Some people tend to unite as soon as possible but they also tend to terminate their friendship as soon as their interests become fulfilled. It is difficult to say something bad about the friendship but any careless person indeed gets cheated in friendship. Nowadays, it is very hard to find true friends in the crowd of bad and good people but if someone has a true friend, no other than him is lucky and precious in the world. There is no doubt that the best friends help us in difficulties. Friends always try to save us from dangers as well as provide timely advice. True friends are like the best asset in our life because we can share our sorrow, soothe and pain. Friendship is such a beautiful feeling which makes everyone cheerful in their lives.

Sajid Barkat 

Tump, Balochistan.

