Drug smuggling in Balochistan

Drug smuggling

Smuggling is a bad social act which means shifting things without any permission. It is also very common nowadays in the country especially in Balochistan. The smuggling of drugs is also known as a business which is being done by our knights. drugs are also known as an affliction which causes many diseases which adduce one near of death.  There are many diseases which are caused by drugs also HIV is one of them which is caused by drugs. HIV is a disease which is caused by a virus. It is also spreading in Turbat, there are more than 300 people who are effected by HIV which is known as human immunodeficiency virus and also these all 300 victims are the drug addicts. The HIV is that disease if once people get it, they will suffer from it in their whole life. Drug smuggling can be devastating for a nation which destroys the youth of a nation. If drug smuggling will not be stopped, then a nation will not live an appeased life. Drugs cause many diseases which can't be treated because it destroys the internal parts of a body that can't be recovered. The elimination of smuggling is the duty of governmental institutes such as customs, anti-narcotics and other departments which are created by the government of Pakistan. It is their responsibility to stop smuggling. But in Balochistan, the smuggling of drugs is increasing day by day. We request our government of Pakistan to take action against this immoral social act because our youth are being destroyed due to it. Besides this, a nation can't be developed without taking any action of youth. The educated youth can make a developed county. We want the increment of education in Balochistan rather than increment of drug smuggling. 

 Qadeer Nazeer Samigi

           Turbat, Kech 

Drug smuggling
