Say no to Valentine's day by Hira Nisar

Say no to Valentine day

Through the column of your esteemed paper, I would like to draw your attention towards the youths’ activities on valentine's day, which is celebrated on 14 February in almost all parts of the world.

 With Valentine’s Day rapidly approaching, our young generation has begun to seek out a potential date. You can smell the roses and heart-shaped chocolates. The stores are filled to the brim with sparkly, mushy over-sentimental cards, and adorable, but cliche, teddy bears.  You can feel the pheromones hanging in the air like perfume. Being a Muslim is unacceptable and vulnerable for us as it is imitating the Pagan Romans. We must keep ourselves apart from such events and should not participate in anything associated with Valentine's Day. By participating in such activities we are destroying our Islamic morals and standards of respect and dignity.

It is a very sensitive matter, our government and educational institutes must look into this matter and make their combined efforts in protecting youth from evil deeds and thoughts. Otherwise, our young generation would get spoiled by involving in these cultures and trends.

     Hira Nisar

  University of Karachi 

Say no to Valentine day
