Turbat needs cleanliness by Wahid Mayar


     It is a well-known fact that there is need of more sweepers in Turbat. The authorities need assiduous attention for the cleanliness of the city and the rest areas. On the other hand, every place is dirty, the dirty garbages are thrown in the streets, and now the rainwater is mixed with these dirty trash heaps and a disgusting smell is coming out from them.    


     people are so disturbed and relevant authorities are not paying heed to this problem. Many ways are closed due to specks of dust or plastics and the cars, cycles, and even though people are not able to go in the streets and roads. Moreover, it is a big problem due to which accidents are occurring and also the shopkeepers are not able to sit. Further, pollution is increasing and people are suffering from dangerous diseases such as Dengue and Malaria and these cases are increasing day by day. The things, which are being sold in the bazaar, are dirty. Lastly, I suggest to the government and authorities that they should solve this problem and make the city clean.


 Wahid Mayar

 Bright Future Academy Absor, Turbat 

