The Dumb Girl by Aslam Shah review and summary

The dumb girl by Aslam Shah

      Do you want to know how the females of our Balochistan were? In which condition were they? how their education system was? How they lived their lives? If you want to know then read the book 'The Dumb Girl'. This book gives you all the answers. This book The Dumb Girl is totally based on the rights of women. By reading this book, we can be able to know how Baloch women were living in past. 

      Actually, the old concepts of the old people's minds were that if a girl was born into a family, should be killed at that time and the girls who were not killed were bounded. They were not allowed to go outside or to show their faces. The ones who were not killed, used to live such a life which was equal to death. I feel death is a better option than spending a life as they lived. 

     They were living a vulnerable life on account of ignorance. But it is said that after the dark night, a bright day comes. In the same way, a girl named Malahar was dumb when she was born. Therefore, the book's name is given The Dumb Girl. After the hard work of her mother, she could talk and it seemed interesting when we heard that the girl who was dumb changed her all village. not only her own village but the neighboring villages as well. She faced numerous problems and difficulties and went through tough circumstances but she didn't give up. Even she lost the lives of all her relatives and those who were close to her. 


      Here is the biggest lesson to be gotten. She suffered as much as we can not imagine but still, she didn't give up. She continued her journey till changing the concepts of the societies. She proved that impossible things can be possible. Nothing is difficult to be done it is up to people that how they behave and take challenges and their minds state that it is difficult to be done and we can not do it. This is what makes us toward failure.

      Each page of the book gives you a beautiful lesson and motivates you how to handle those situations which are barriers in the way of prosperity and are stopping you to live a peaceful life. It is already known that the one who is starting a new thing which is for the prosperity of the nation, is told many bad words and sometimes people make them disheartened but success comes to those who take a risk and avoid themselves from barriers. If you want to do something for the betterment of the people then no one has the power to stop you. Yeah they try their best to stop you and they can bring number of barriers your way but all will go in vain if you are committed to your intentions. So be motivated and after reading this book, you will able to bring some changes in your life and your society as well.


Shakira Hafeez

       Turbat, Kech

Balochi writer Aslam Shah
