Steal Like An Artist by Austin Kleon book review by Gulbano M. Naeem

Steal like an artist book

You may listen about stealing things but did you hear about stealing ideas? Do artists make their art by stealing the thoughts of people? Can each mind be creative by creating new ideas? 

All the answers I have gotten from this book Steal Like An Artist. This book was written by Austin Kleon. The Workman Publishing Company first published it in 2012. This book is featured as a non-fiction book and it is about creativity. Kleon describes ten transformative principles about how to build a more creative life.

Everyone saw thief that they are stealing things from others but no one knows that stealing ideas can make us creative. It is true that artists steal thoughts and ideas from people to make their art through their thoughts. And everybody's mind can be creative if they start creating new ideas because new ideas make different ideas through that our lifestyle can be changed and different by new ideas. 

The book tells us that ten setting principles that nobody told you about being creative.

Steal Like An Artist

This concept is based on the idea that no creativity is original and that ideas are stemmed from other's concepts. There are some ways to steal ideas without applying negative ways. Good thief means honoring, studying crediting, and transforming ideas. This is opposed to the bad thief which means degrading, plagiarizing, imitating, and ripping off ideas. This is why we study history, constantly try to understand what has successfully been done before, and find out how those ideas can be applied to our situations.

Don't Wait Until You Know Who You Are To Get Started

If you wait until you figure out who you are and exactly what you want, you can be waiting for lifetime. Get started doing that thing you love, and eventually, you will figure out your own way by learning from others. 

Write The Book You Want To Read 

Create things that you would find as valuable. Don't create for someone else, create for yourself. They ensure that you will always have at least one customer. 

Use Your Hands

We are most creative when we make use of our all senses. Don't spend time in front of your computer. Get out and do something, cook, run, play an instrument, etc. These can make you more creative. In Architecture the computer is nothing more than a tool. A tool for getting work done. Creativity is born mostly outside of the digital world.

Side Project And Hobbies Are Important

Your side project and hobbies are outlets for your creativity and are a gift that keeps giving. These activities can make you more creative and can increase your productivity in jobs that do bring you money. Maybe it's learning about internet studying, print making or films, writing in architecture blogs, starting an online business, becoming a yoga instructor, bicycling across America, learning how to brew beer, or even riding a bicycle without any brakes all over New York City. All of these things have informed how I related to the world as a  person and an artist.


The Secret: Do Good Work And Share It With The People

Talk to people about your ideas. Their feedback is extremely valuable and can inspire someone and help for finding ideas.

Geography Is No Longer Our Master

Traveling is a great tool to spur creativity. Being unfamiliar with the surrounding force you to look at thing from a different perspective. Looking at something in a new way and in a new place can inspire completely different ideas.

Be Nice. The World Is A Small Town

Stop fighting and being so competitive. Appreciate the work of other people and make more friends. There is something to be said to be kind.

Be Boring  ( It's The Only Way To Get Work Done )

Consistently is boring. But being consistent and having a routine are the best way to make the most of your time. Good time management is the best way to ensure that those valuable brain cells are being put to good use. 

Creativity Is Subtraction

Less is more and figuring out what to leave out is often the key to getting ahead. Creativity subtraction is figuring out exactly what is necessary and eliminating the rest. The endless possibility is intimidating. Creativity with some constraints can help an artist maneuver around a creative block.

These are the ten creative principles that everyone can steal to have a creative mind and live life in a better way

Gulbano Naeem 

     Turbat, Balochistan 

Steal like an artist
