Causes and effects of overpopulation by Qadeer Nazeer



     Overpopulation is the name of being more populated. It brings destruction to a country. Firstly, the increment in population increases the rate of unemployment in the country. Not only this, but it also makes the environment dusty. Besides this, poverty is being enhanced due to it. Similarly, overpopulation has become the main reason for inflation.


     Unemployment is the name of a state of being unemployed. And it causes when the people become more and every way of work become full of workers. Apart from it when overpopulation comes the laborers, doctors, mechanics, and every field of work will be covered. That's why the other remaining people get nothing because of the fewer seats working. And if they will be full then nothing remains for the remains people.


      Overpopulation increases the rate of dust. Dust rate will be high when overpopulation comes. When people become more needs become more and for carrying of things people use plastics. And if the population becomes more than everyone through the garbages by their sides. And in the specific place of throwing garbages become far from people. That's why people throw garbage and the garbages makes the environment dusty.


      Poverty will come when overpopulation comes. When overpopulation comes the rate of people increases. When the people become more the needs become more. Overpopulation increases the rate of inflation. If the price of things increases, poverty will increase. That's why everything's price become high and people can't buy anything. And the recourses of the country will not bring more money and they will ill not be enough for everyone. The people become poor by not having money and things will not be enough for all. 


     Overpopulation increases the carbon dioxide rate. It is a gas that is very dangerous to health. It increases when people use vehicles. And if people use vehicles they ran on petrol, oil, and gas. When they burn the burning of it releases carbon dioxide. And also the factory's fume goes to the environment and there they react and cause carbon dioxide.

Qadeer Nazeer Samigi

         Turbat, Kech 

