Steal Like An Artist book by Austin Kleon book review

Steal like an artist book

Steal Like An Artist is one amazing and self-confidence-building book which is written by Austin Kleon. It discusses ten setting principles of life that can change your entire lifestyle. The writer greatly says that these ten setting principles are being utilized acutely less in this world. Due to this, people don't know the real meaning of the world. This world is like a small town where everyone should need to be honest and careful as well. 

Nothing is original. 

It simply means nothing is original the under the sun. The writer Jonathan Lethem said that when people call something original, nine out of ten percent yet don't know the original source of things.

Save your thefts for later. 

It means to find a way where you are about to visit and take a pen and a Notebook whatever you want, go for writing them and observe the people. Copy your books and favorite passages which can help you build and find opportunities.

start copying. 

it is an important thing for those who know especially the benefits of it because no one is born with a wish and style. In the beginning, people learn by copying and practicing because these support them fully in achieving great victories. In this world, if someone wants to be perfect, it is necessary to strive and practice because practice makes a man perfect. The more you practice, the more you get better. It doesn't mean copying the same experience where they have written. it means taking experience from those who are surrounding you and who have much knowledge and skills.

Write the book you want to read. 

It is an amazing topic that can help you to create something special in your life because if you want to boost up your personality then try to write those elements which compel you to read and build something in your life. It is a necessary question for yourself. On the other side, the main theme of this book is to be creative but these all principles are involved in being a creative person. Being creative simply means being responsible in your life.

Be boring. 

it's the only way to achieve success. It means to be regular in your life and original in your life. It is one of the greatest topics every regular can be a good fighter because regular people always perform good actions in their life, such as in working, writing, reading, and other fields of life. Regular people find and build special enlightenment for the future. In the end, l would like to conclude with great words that this book merely does not teach you how to be successful in your life rather many tips can help to find the reality and successful life.

Ajaz Ahmed 

   Turbat, Kech 

Austin Kleon books
