Best comes from the worst

Fighting of friends

Once there was a boy named Fazeer. He was a bad boy and every time and every people told him to make himself good but he didn't. He always teased his friends, siblings, and neighbors. Fazeer all the time said to others," I am your head; therefore, you need to listen to my every word and do the work which I say." His all friends were fed by him. Fazeer has been scolded by his friend's family but he was always the same.

After a long period one day he was coming from his school then on the way he saw some boys and these boys started teasing Fazeer. One boy said we have listened that you are the head of your area and you consider yourself a hero. They all started beating him and also told him to be a good guy and don't be a teaser. Then from that day he became friendly to everyone and stopped teasing others. His family became happy and asked him what happened to him. He told the story and said," All should forgive me."

Moral: If someone doesn't know anything then tell them what is wrong and what is right. 

  KB M. Iqbal

     Turbat, Kech

Friends traveling
