The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg

The power of habit book

The Power of Habit is an inspiring book that was published on 12 February 2012 and its author is Charles Duhigg. The book reveals the power of habits that make us aware of the formation of a habit or how a habit takes place in our daily life, and how it can change our entire lifestyle. This book is especially for those who Because desire to transform their bad habits into good habits. This book helps every individual to adopt these all lucrative habits.

Firstly this book tells what are the functions of habits and how does it get defined. Habits are those choices that we choose deliberately. In the beginning, we do them Consciously but when it comes to a certain point then they occur by us without thinking. All actions become habits when we face those actions on regular basis and repeat them again and again. Even our intentions rarely can not want to do but they automatically happen, but leaving these habits can cause illness, and also that is tough to leave inside habits that had taken place in our mind. Rarely these habits are very beneficial for us and sometimes they can be effective and hazardous.

There is a big question why does our brain create habits? What is the reason and purpose of creating habits? The reason is that our mind wants to save energy and wishes to relax and work less and habits help it to be comfortable because when an action becomes our habit then we don't need much force and energy to do that action. 

On the other hand, In 2006, big research has shown that our 40℅ actions take place automatically in a day and they are called our habits and they are not conscious decisions. This 40% of habits mixture of good and bad habits can influence our lifestyle. However, The Power of Habit tells us how can we leave bad habits and build positive ones in our life.

After much research, the writer has found some steps which are named cue, routine, and reward. Cue is the basic thing that you utilize in your daily life because everything has some steps to do. Routine is a regular happening of action which we do in our daily life or every day. Habits come from routine. The reward is that term which means after doing something when you get benefit or satisfaction and pleasure.

Finally, if you want to convert your bad habits into good ones then firstly, change your cue because the changing cue can help you in changing your destination. Individuals must read this book if they need salvation from bad habits because if we make habits then one day habits will make us.


 Ajaz Ahmed


The power of habit
