The Broken Wings by Kahlil Gibran book review by Ghulam Jan

The Broken wings book

 The Broken Wings that had written by Khalil Gibran is of the greatest work of the author which revolves around his first own love. Khalil Gibran, who is the beloved author of "The Prophet" is a great philosopher and poet. He was born in Lebanon in 1883. Later he migrated to America where Gibran died in 1931. That book explained how people fall in love.

      One day Khalil Gibran met one of his father's friends who was a close friend of Gibran's father, but Gibran didn't see him before. So they discussed each other and after this old man invited Gibran to visit his house. The next day Khalil Gibran reached the home of Faris Effendi and after he saw a girl sitting on a bench who was no less than a fairy. She was as sparkling as a silver moon. The lady was the daughter of Faris Effendi named Salma. Gibran became shocked and he fell in love with her also Salma becomes in love with him. Gibran liked to meet with Salma every day. However, after that, they are talking with each other when the messenger of the Bishop came and he told Faris Effendi that you were called by a man, he became upset and went with the messenger.

 At the merely moment Khalil Gibran talked with Salma and both shared their feelings. So now they both fell in love and they both agreed to marry but due to financial problems, they could not marry. Further, the bad news came for Salma that she will have to marry his father's nephew Mansoor. The Mansoor wanted to marry her for their beauty and her father's wealth. A few days later, Salma got married to Mansoor although Mansoor was a ruthless person. Salma was not happy with Mansoor because he every time used to scold and beat her. After some years, Salma got pregnant and when the 9th month got finished, she gave birth to a baby but unfortunately, she opened her eyes at the dawn and closed them at dusk forever. Salma left the world with her baby. These days were the most unbearable days for Khalil Gibran. He sat on the grave next to Salma and wept. So his life was completely got changed by Salma's death.

    So this book is completely written about love that tells lovers to love girls honestly and don't abandon their partner in the middle. So it was the story of Khalil Gibran. I got more and more points behind this book. Also if a girl or boy loves each other then they should be married.

 Ghulam Jan Sarwar

       Kech, Balochistan

The broken Wings
