Story: Bravery is a curse


Once upon a time, there was a boy named Kamash. He was a brave boy who was not having fear of anything and he was friendly to everyone. So one day when his uncle called him to come to his home then he went there. There his uncle told him that in this world don't be brave and also don't believe anyone. Kamash said, " It is important to be brave and friendly to others, they might help you in every obstacle of life." So after that, he went to the bazaar and there someone told him that your braveness is dangerous for you. But, he didn't listen to anyone and continued what he used to do. 

After some months when he was using Facebook and there he saw the picture of his friend. He saw that some people are beating his friend. After seeing this, he could bear it and went towards his friend. He asked his friend about those boys and he was about to find them and take revenge. His friend told him to them now and he tried to stop Kamash but he forced his friend then he took him to that boy and Kamash started beating him. That man warned Kamash that I will take his revenge, but Kamash ignored him. 

One day when he was sitting with his friends, an unknown man came to Kamash that someone is beating his brother and I need his help. Kamash was not aware that this gentleman is going to kill him. Kamash went with him and there he saw nothing. Suddenly, someone shot him from the back side then he saw that the man who shot him was the enemy of his friend.

Moral: 1: Braveness is good but not everywhere and every time.


2: Everyone is not trustworthy.

KB M. Iqbal


