Reclaim Your Heart by Yasmin Mogahed review and summary

Reclaim your hearth

Reclaim Your Heart is such a fascinating book by Yasmin Mogahed that grabs the whole attention of its readers. The book has specified some chapters for love, attachments, hardships, relationships, etc. These books help us to find real love. This book tells us how to reject the slavery of the heart. One chapter is all about women's rights. She suggests that a girl's value should not be measured by the size of her waist or the number of men who like her. Besides this, This book tells us how to reject the slavery of heart. Not only this, it awakens the hopes of the hopeless heart. This book I recommend this to those who find that there is nothing in this world for them and who have lost their guts. Those who are dejected and disheartened must read this book. 

There are many chapters but I am going to explain those chapters and the contents that I liked the most. The first chapter is my favorite one which is named " Attachment".


Why do people have to leave each other?

The writer says, that she was 17 years old when she had a dream. In the dream, she was sitting at a mosque when a child asked her why we end our relationships with people. Why does parting take place in our life and why do we become separate from the people? These questions arise many perceptions in her mind. She realized that in this universe, everything is temporary and parting is part of our life. As relations break or people break their relationship with each other, similarly, this universe is having the same rule where everyone needs to leave this beautiful earth one day. Our belief should be that everything in this world is temporary. When we love someone then crave that he/she should be mine forever but it is impossible. Sometimes cracks come in relationships or sometimes death makes us separate. Therefore, do not be worried about break up.

Relationship with the creator:

Human being desires to get paradise in this temporary world. Sometimes they consider their lover like a paradise and put their all effort to achieve their lover but there is only one paradise that we can only get after death. According to the writer, we must not keep expectations from the world and we can not make this world like a paradise. We can't change this nature. This world is just a deception which going to ruin. We often expect a lot from people but we need to expect just from God because people may leave and deceive us but our God will never.

Remembrance and emotions always have been her weaknesses but when she realized that these are related to this temporary world then she became able to control herself. She terminated her all desires and expectations when she realized the reality of the world. She says if somebody wants to be dejected in their complete life then keep a lot of expectations from the world and people because they are enough for being sad. She suggests that don't be hopeless but must hope for God and not from the people. It is a reality that we hope and expect from the people but never from God.

Life's forgotten purpose:

Nothing is purposeless in this world even though pains and challenges are also beneficial and teach us too many lessons. Our faith should be that nothing occurs without a purpose. Hearth breaks, but do not make it delicate even make it stronger than before. Broken hearts with pains are lessons for us that make the experience for us to live a favorable life.

The most beautiful quote that I found in this book is " This world cannot break you unless you give it permission." It means we are controllers of our life and nobody can undermine us until we give control to them. We must not give them keys to our own life otherwise they will be able to govern us.

As this book is all about Islam, I must recommend that readers have a glance at this book because it is the book that tells us about real love and the phenomenon of love. After reading this book, you will be able to make yourself free from suffering. Therefore, have this book in your hand as soon as possible.

Abdul Malik Rauf

        Turbat, Kech

Reclaim your heart by Yasmin Mogahed
