Positive vision by Nadil Raheem Bakhsh


One teacher had two disciples. One of them had an auspicious positive vision and he always sought out good points from anything he observed while the other one had an inauspicious vision and always found some negative from the observations. 

One day, the teacher went out to a park with his disciples and while wandering in the garden, they came across a mango tree from which some ripe and juicy mangoes were hanging. After seeing this, the teacher thought to examine both students. Therefore, he called them beside him and ordered them to observe the tree which is full of mangoes. Then, he told the first one, "My dear child, what do you think of this mango tree?" The disciple answered instantly, "teacher, despite people hitting this tree with stones, it gives us sweet and juicy mangoes. It does hurt but still, it gives us fruits. I wish all human beings learn this important message from the mango.

After that, the teacher asked the same question to the other disciple, " My dearest child, what do you think of this mango tree?" The student aggressively answered, "Teacher, this mango tree is not good and does not give mangoes by itself, it gives when we hit it with stones and sticks. Therefore, we should hit it hard to get sweet mangoes from it. That is the only way to get these mangoes. It is also clear from this tree that to get good fruits from others, we need to be violent and only when we become violent, then we can get happiness."

The teacher was happy with the answer by the first student because he had an admirable vision and appreciated the tree with a positive vision while on the other hand, the second student's answer dissatisfied him because he saw a tree with a negative vision and insisted on learning the wrong way for getting fruits in life. He showered his blessing on the first disciple wholeheartedly.

So friends, even though the situation is the same, it still depends on how we interpret the things and situations which show our mental status and the way we think of others. Let's take an example of lovely roses that have thorns on them. 

Always develop a vision that can find out something good even from a bad thing or person. And by doing so, slowly your mind and intellect will become pure day by day.

MORAL: Develop a positive Vision and always fund something good from everything and everyone.

Nadil Rahim Baksh

         Turbat, Kech

Positive thinking
