Money is not everything | Story |


Once there was a boy named Peerak who belongs to a rich family. He was having a luxurious lifestyle. He was such a person who always used to say" I will never marry anyone. But one day, he was going to a marriage party with his servant whose name was Doda. On the way, he saw a beautiful girl. She was like an adorable fairy. Peerak ordered Doda that now your work is just to find her address. Then Doda started finding her in the city but they were not aware that she belongs to a village. 

As the day passed Doda came back and said" I visited every side of this city but I did not see her". Peerak told his all servants that they should visit all villages and invite all of them for a party at my palace. They went there and told them that Peerak had invited you all for a feast. The next day all came. Peerak stood on the stage and finally, he became successful to find the girl he wanted. She was looking very glamorous. Then he asked villagers about her address after that someone told her address to Peerak

After a few weeks, Peerak went to her home and talked to her father that I love her daughter and I want to marry her. Her father asked her but she refused. Her father purposed and forced her to marriage to Peerak because he belongs to a rich family. By the force of her father, she married Peerak but she was not happy with Peerak and Peerak's family. A few years later of their marriage, she said that she will be with him forever. Unexpectedly, she ran out of the palace and went to another city and since then nobody could find her.

Moral: With money, someone can buy everything but not one's love.  

KB M. Iqbal

   Turbat, Kech

