Major problems in Sindh


Sindh, besides being the second largest province of the country, lags far behind others. Province Sindh is facing a plethora of chronic problems. Rapid population growth, extreme poverty, and poor governance have destroyed the peaceful and progressive Sindhi society. It is a painful reality that our rulers and bureaucrats are not able to understand this axiomatic truth of human resource management and good governance that without improving good governance it will not be possible to stabilize the alarming population growth rate and eradicate extreme poverty from the resources-rich province. Interior Sindh is facing several issues ranging from education, health, environment, rule of law, poverty, and most importantly the safety of minorities. Every government in Sindh gave illiteracy, hunger, displacement, and poverty to its citizens.

However, over the past decade, in Sindh public school enrollment remains bleak, health and nutrition indicators have remained stagnant, and energy shortages persist despite vast energy sources and limited job opportunities for females and youth. If we talk about the education sector then some of the shocking findings are: “For every 100 boys enrolling in primary school in Sindh, only 86 girls do so in the province.”, “only 60% of children in Sindh make it to secondary school”,” for 21 government primary schools there is only one government secondary school”, and “In 1995 Sindh’s poverty headcount ratio was 10% lower than that of the national economy, but 2001 it was 3% higher. In the last government should solve these bad problems of Sindh.

Ijaz Dadbaksh

