Deforestation: An act of cutting trees

Cutting trees

Forests are mandatory for every country because it has great importance in our environment. The first thing to be considered is that forests mitigate the rate of global warming. Besides this, trees preserve our earth from floods and soil erosion. Moreover, forests enhance the chances of rain. Despite these all benefits still people go for cutting the forests which are Woeful. We need to conduct afforestation programs so that people can get awareness about it.

We all know that trees are very important to us. But we are cutting down them if we cut the trees then from what we get the compactness. It means trees are the only source of fresh oxygen, without trees we cannot have oxygen. Besides, trees control the water of the big flood, and the roots of the trees save the land as well.

I plead to the people that they must not cut the forests because they are an integral part of our environment. I also request to the government they should enforce some strict laws against those who are part of this crime. Lastly, I am going to mention that we have to recognize the benefits of trees and should give importance to them because they are very beneficial for us.

  Salma Peeri

Bright Future Academy Turbat,
      Kech, Balochistan

