Alchemist by Paulo Coelho book review by Sattar Samad



Love gives interest to someone for being a person of complicated mystery. It gives strength imagination for finding oneself in the world. If there is life, there is love, problems, hardships, fear, sorrows, etc. A person who faces challenges and can endure difficult circumstances can know how to explore the beauty of life. For knowing the real meaning of life and love, I suggest you to have a look at the

book "Alchemist", one of the best writings of Paulo Coelho. The Alchemist states the story of a young shepherd "Santiago". He meets Fatima first time in Tarifa and falls in love with her and desires to meet her again and again. During that time once he sleeps under a sycamore tree and dreams about a hidden treasure. In the dream, he sees a hidden treasure in the Pyramids of Egypt. When Santiago meets Melchizedek and reveals everything about the treasure asks for finding that treasure. When Melchizedek gives some ideas, Santiago sells his sheep and starts the journey for finding the hidden treasure. He faces many problems during that journey robbers snatch his money, but he keeps on going and remembers the mission of finding the hidden treasure and he never gets disappointed. After reading this book, one will get the hope to never give up. The Alchemist fully discusses love, hard work, and struggle.


Santiago is a Shepherd. He fell in love with Fatima in Tarifa. If Santiago didn't fall in love with her, he could easily get disappointed because due to the love of Fatima, Santiago was courageously taking the hardships. In everybody's life, there are troubles, but he should always be calm. Mr. Santiago first worked in the Crystal shop of Fatima's father for two years and he taught until the hidden treasure is found he should work here. After he got the salary from the owner of the shop, he embarks on his journey toward the Pyramids of Egypt.

Hard work

Hard work is the key to success if one cannot work hard, he or achieves nothing in his or her life. The Alchemist states about the hard work made by Santiago. In the book, Paulo Coelho says that Mr. Santiago faced many problems during that journey, but he didn't give up and he kept his struggle till he got success. The story of Santiago is a great example and it proves that If one has the courage to work hard, he can overcome any kind of obstacle.


Failure is a great thing if one takes it positively. In this book, the writer gave the example of Mr. Santiago that who failed many times, but he used his failure as a source of his success. The robbers snatched his money and he had to work in a shop to continue his journey for achieving his goal. Santiago's failure encourages him for doing more and achieving more. Once Paulo Coelho says, "Life is a trap. When it appears, we see only its light, not its shadow". This was the power of love that makes Santiago courageous. 

Sattar Samad

    Turbat, Kech

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