7 habits of highly effective people by Stephen R. Covey book review

7 habits of highly effective people

The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People is an excellent book that discusses the principles of life. This is the book that shows the real world written by Stephen R. Covey. The book was first published in 1989. It is a self empower and business book. It mostly talks about time management, teamwork, behavior, and attitude as well.The book has numerous copies which are can be found all over the world. There are 7 habits which elaborated on chapter-wise.

1. Be proactive.

Being proactive simply means responsibility because proactive people never blame the situation, condition, and circumstances as well. Proactive people always find the reality and solution to problems to make themselves stronger. On the other side, our behavior is a function of our decision, not our conditions. We have the ability and the responsibility to make things happen. Highly proactive people recognize their responsibility. They do not blame the circumstances, conditions, and situations because their behavior is a product of their own conscious choice based on values, rather than a product of their conditions based on feelings. Stephen beautifully has said," l am not the product of my circumstances, l am the product of my decision". Proactive people always take action and work on them honestly because they know how to deal with situations. Proactive people eliminate and accept every tough situation and circumstance with strong intentions bravely, they understand such agents to make themselves more courageous to move towards their destination. They do such activities which make their upcoming future bright. Proactive people instead of creating problems try to find the solution to the problem. But reactive people never deal with situations they always ignore and disappoint circumstances and things. But proactive people always strive to make their level best. On the other hand, reactive people always blame their luck and others when they don't get what they want or become unsuccessful to acquire something.

Begin with the end in mind. 

It means always having a goal and mission in your life. Imagine and dream about what you want in your future because every people can decide according to their goal what would they need. Always strive to see other people who are surrounding you, take experience and decisions that how they are making and are facing the problems. It is more important to copy and learn from others. Moreover, always set your mission, be regular and provide more time to them and never allow anyone to interfere in the progress of your life. And it is the more important thing to ask questions to yourself. Because it is the only source that supports you to move toward the destination.

Put first thing first

Whatever is acute essential do it first. Try to manage your time because it is said that time management is the management of life. It plays an important role in every field of our life. Therefore, fix particular times for specific tasks and manage the ways of attaining the goal. Putting first things first means having self-awareness and understanding yourself what are your values and desires. You are the product of your own time and mission. Of course, your time is the enlightenment of your bright future.

Think win-win

It is one of the great attitudes for human beings and for attaining success in your life as well. It is mandatory to always think positively and ignore negative people because positive thinking can change your whole life. If you want to be healthy, successful, and live longer then be a positive thinker and avoid negative thoughts. It is only a powerful tool for transforming your inner feelings into amazing thoughts and the next generation as well. Positive thinking is a mental attitude that produces constructive results. Think win-win, doesn't mean to be good, it is a natural thing that shows one's behavior automatically good. It helps you to build a nice relationship with your dreams.

Seek first to understand then to be understood.

It is one of the greatest factors which supports you to create strong relations with individuals in your life. Try always listening to those people who are surrounding you because they have faced all the worse circumstances and strived to get success, therefore, they can share a good experience and inspiration for us. Learn from them how to make decisions and solve problems. Most people do not listen to others well. People are often interested to share their feelings, thoughts, and behaviors owing to this they don't take the benefits of others. Never listen less and talk more because it can be a cause of failure. Always try to understand others' thoughts, ideas, and imaginations. That's why always be a good listener so that you can learn something because every individual has something to share and teach to others.

Ajaz Ahmed


7 habits of highly effective people by Stephen R. Covey
