Women in flood affected areas

Women in flood

Women in flood

 It is a fact that the rains have disrupted the lives of millions of people, but the most if it has affected the lives of anyone, it is women. When a disaster strikes, women are 14 times more likely to affect than children and men. Women are helpless due to monsoon rains and floods. For instance, in the flood of 2010, 1.5 million were displaced in Sindh where 49℅ was the majority of women. Similarly, due to current situations, they have lost their basic needs and are in dire need of shelter because the rains have destroyed these few houses. Despite these, still women are not receiving any immediate assistance even if it is their right and duty to the government. According to the Global Gender Gap index report, Pakistan is the second worst country in terms of gender equality. The role of women is very important for development in any society, but in our societies, women are deprived of their basic rights. women give birth to the future builders of the country and train them, but during this flood, they are from suffering from worries. 

Problems of women due to flood

Women are difficulties finding appropriate food, shelter, pure water, and fuel for cooking during these destructive circumstances. Apart from it, they are confronting numerous hindrances and obstacles after the flood. The main thing to be considered is that women lost their jobs due to floods because before many destitute women used to work in informal sectors for earning their livelihood. They are entitled of getting relief packages but no one is paying any heed to them. Besides this, the women, who are living in rural areas, are suffering from physical injuries which are extremely woeful. Even with aid in some places, women continue to face hardships, as many women and young girls in flood relief camps and shelter homes are at increased risk of violence, sexual abuse, and harassment on the ground. They are afraid of sexual violence against these residents. Their life, wealth, and honor are all in danger.

Women are not getting any medical assistance in these worse conditions. According to UNFPA, more than 1000 health facilities got damaged in Sindh. In the same way, 198 were damaged in Balochistan's affected district. According to the data of The United Nations Populations Fund ( UNFPA) approximately 650,000 women are pregnant whereas 73 thousand are expected to deliver their children next month, but they are dejected because they don't know what should be done for safe deliveries. 


As Pakistanis, it becomes our duty to assist the flood-affected people around us and take care of them, otherwise vulnerable conditions can affect our society. Such situations are going on in the country where we need to unite. Disasters will go away, but only we can reduce the losses and difficulties that will be caused to the affected person. The whole country should take good care of each other. If someone has the capacity, they should help the women financially because they are our mothers and sisters.

Abdul Malik Rauf

