Suicide over exam results


 Pakistan is counted among those few countries where committing suicide has become very common among students. WHO asserted in its report that every year 15,000 suicide cases are recorded in Pakistan. Around 25 percent of the cases belong to teens. Pakistan is a Muslim country and Islam has prohibited to commit suicide, but high suicide rates among Pakistani are being recorded each year which is shameful for us.

 The students commit suicide, but why? The main reason to be considered is that students get pressure from their parents who compel their children for getting good marks. Myriad students go for committing suicide due to obtaining fewer marks. No one knows how much pressure these students face on their hearts. Students are confused about how to handle themselves in hard situations. They are far away from their relatives to have support to convince them, so besides committing suicide they do not get other options to be alive. attempts of suicide are also recorded which is too disgraceful for our country.

The students commit negative suicide. And it can create deteriorating conditions for the upcoming generation. Undoubtedly, education creates individuals and makes the young generation stronger, but what has happened in Pakistan where education is the root behind the suicides of students? Many experts have claimed that students get a lot of pressure when they fail or they can not compete with others. Sometimes the best student in the class gets failed, so he/she starts receiving pressure from parents, teachers, and society which compels them to suicide. We usually see such cases every year when results get announced.

The parents should perceive that everyone is not born for being a doctor or a pilot. Some students are mentally weak and some of them are sharper. Children should not be compelled to commit suicide. The students should gain education with their interests not with the burden of lots of pressure.

Abdul Malik Rauf

