Story: The future depends on what we do in the present


 Once there was a territory whose name was Whilom. There was a tradition, after every year, they used to change their president and a new one override the seat of that person. Anyone could become the president of that territory whether he/she was educated or not. There was a law, if the president got retired then people used to take the president into a risky forest. The forest was full of dangerous animals and it was impossible to come again alive from that forest.

One day, on the 1st of January, when people were celebrating the new year and were about to go for voting to select their new president, meantime, people saw a new man who was coming from a foreign country. People stopped him and forced him to be their new president. The new man got astonished and became delighted because he had come there to work and earn money but he got a big opportunity which could change his complete life. The man accepted their offer. People told him the rules and regulations. The new man was told that after retirement, he will be carried to a hazardous jungle where he may die. The new man was rational, therefore, he accepted the conditions and became their new president.

 After some days of his regime, he told his servants to show him the forest where people used to send their president after retirement. Servants showed him the forest which was too horrible. After seeing this, the new president ordered his servants to construct a beautiful and large building in this forest. Servants obeyed the law and started making a building besides the dangerous animals.

After 2 months, the building became ready. The new president was too happy and ruled the complete territory. Finally, the year got ended and he got retired. According to norms, people took him to that forest. He easily went and entered that building.

 People admired his drudgery and again called him to be their permanent president. In past, former presidents did not use to think about their future due to what they lost their lives in the forest but this man was unique and sensible. People promised that they will never change him and he became the president again.

Moral: Always think for your future because in the present whatever you do, you will receive them back.

Qadeer Nazeer


