Story: Friendship is the best relationship by Shahmurad MS


 Two friends who lived in the same village and always they went to school together. One of their names was Hammal and another name was Junaid. Therefore, Hammal was elder than Junaid rather he arouses too. They are both were knowing in the village or the school being the best friendship, good behavior, sympathy, and help for needy people. Even though everybody is giving the instance them.


  One day, Hammal had got some chores that he wanted to go city for completing his work. Furthermore, he set off toward the City without informing anyone about it as well as Junaid too. When he reached the city night spread their darkness everywhere. First and foremost, he took bath and ordered something for eating after he went to the bed. During their sleeping Hammal saw an awful dream that his friend was looking for him everywhere, unfortunately, he couldn't find him. Rather he becomes disappointed inner by himself. As soon as, he had gone to look at his friend's home, unfortunately, there was just an empty home and no one was there. At last, he met one of the villagers whose home near Hammal's home 

Junaid said, " where is Hammal since morning I did not see him".

"As you know," said a villager.

"What," asked Junaid.

The villager replied, "Last night I saw somebody who abducted the Hammal although their face was completely covered with the black mask I couldn't recognize them".

Hurry, hurry Junaid said, "but why, but why".

" I don't know", a villager said.

But Junaid did not know he was telling lies to him. After listening to bad news about his friend Junaid got into trouble.

 Meantime, he decided that at any cost I will have been to find him. Rather I did my duty of friendship. As soon as, he came out of the village and started to see him. After passing some distance from the village he reached a huge jungle. There were shady trees, Mountains, and wild animals roaring sounds coming from every side of the jungle. Almost, some of the mints were remaining to be night and after walking long period he got tired and he wanted to sleep but before sleeping he was looking such a place where there he felt secure from the wild animals. However, he saw a mountain inside of the jungle that the wild animals can not climb and hurt him. At last, he climbed to the mountain of high place and he floored his small piece of red blanket on the mountain. In the dream, he saw Junaid slowly fall onto the mountain and died.


 Hammal woke up and his complete body was shuddering because of that horrible nightmare. He didn't understand the meaning of that dream and he thought may it was a real dream as well as I saw. Apart from that, Hammal compiled to arrive in the city. During suffering again and again he remained in that nightmare. When he reached the village almost it was evening and he directly went to his friend's home to see how is he now.


 Evening time Junaid always was working in the garden which has located opposite their home. He was giving them water from flowers and grasses. Suddenly, he heard some of the sounds that again and again said his name Junaid, Junaid, Junaid. He turned his face and he saw the Hammal that was looking worried and weeping too. In the same way, Hammal also saw Junaid and he got the gratitude of Allah that he is alive. Meantime, Hammal and Junaid hugged one another.

Hammal said, " what happened to you".

Junaid replied, " nothing happen to me". 

After Hammal shared all the stories Junaid that he saw. Now Hammal realized that without friendship life is boring and uncomfortable.

Moral: Friendship is the best relationship.

2. Friendship is the best gift in the world.

  Writer's detail


 Name: Shah Murad M.S

 Address:  Tump, Balochistan.
