Significant of discipline in our life


     Discipline is something that keeps each person in control. It motivates a person to progress in life and achieve success. 


    Discipline provides people with rules to live their lives efficiently and effectively. we see that the sun rises on time and sets on time and all this is happening under discipline. If it ends, the all system will suddenly be disrupted. Then consider the smallest things in the world. They will also be bound by a rule and laws. 


        In an educational institution, adherence to its rules, uniforms, classrooms, and school cleanliness are considered,  focusing on learning by turning off the noise in the classroom, obeying the teacher's orders and keeping quiet in the library all this comes under the scope of the discipline. 

            paying attention to one's duties is also a part of discipline. Individual discipline forms collective discipline. Discipline refers to following the law and rules. Those who observe discipline in the world are successful and those who are disciplined in their times. They cannot be successful if they live in an undisciplined manner.  


   Nawab Saleem   

  Gwarkop, Kech
