Flood victims need support


Every district has been destroyed due to floods and heavy rain. However, A lot of people lost their precious life. I plead with the readers to help the victims of the flood. The recent floods have rendered thousands of people homeless. They have lost all they had. Most of them had no other sources of in except for the land they cultivated. They are now living in camps in a bad condition. They have no place to go and no means to live hood. Through the columns of your esteemed paper, I request the readers to contribute as much as they can toward the relief fund started by the government. We must thank God that we are safe. So we should send at least a day's income to the relief fund. Let them not think for a moment that they are being neglected in their hour of need. They are brethren let us give proof of brotherhood by helping them. It is the request for the readers to should do something.

After confronting a lot of challenges, the victims are hoping for governmental funds. The government needs to provide these funds or financial support to the entitled people as soon as possible.


