Corruption and greed of money in a country

 It is a fact that we are passing through such a period in the world where greed is found everywhere and this greed has given birth to evil things like corruption. Everyone is in the temptation to get rich, this is the reason which is taking numerous countries toward downfall. A country can develop only when its people and leaders are sincere, if they don't be honest then those countries will be afraid of decline. The main reason for the failure of every country is corruption because corruption destroys the country's economy and stops development. Due to this corruption, problems like poverty and unemployment are born in the country. If we also eradicate the greed for money in our hearts, the existence of corruption will disappear quickly and no power in the world will be able to stop us from acquiring success. The corrupt people may not be caught in this world, but they will be accountable on the day of judgment. Therefore, everyone needs to be honest to alleviate the ratio of corruption because it is the only way to prevent the country from this social evil.

Abdul Malik Rauf

