Women and children sexual abuse

 Sexual violence is a major issue in our country that is common in our society on daily bases. According to a monthly report, 108 children and 85 women were raped across the country in July. out of these 108 children who were sexually abused, 47 belonged to Punjab,31 KPK, and 21 cases were reported in Sindh. Similarly, among the women who were subjected to sexual violence 47 were from Punjab, 16 from Sindh, 11 from KPK, 10 from Islamabad, and one was from Balochistan. the FIA ( Federal Investigation Agency ) complaint portal asserted that  2 million images of sexual abuse were uploaded in 2021 and 343 sexual cases of abuse were reported over five years. If it continues then people may confront a lot of obstacles and will not be to go outside. People fear to raise their voices against this immoral issue but if they stand with courage then they can stop such kind of disgusting cases with the help of the government.

 Saba Nasir

