True love never dies

 Once the earth was plunged into the darkness. The complete planet was turned into darkness. Everything was dumbstruck. At this unpleasant midnight, a boy whose name was Shehzad and whose hair was fallen on his shoulders was watchfully waiting out a plan to meet Ayesha. Unfortunately, the complete night went he was just on a waiting list. When it became 6:30 am the golden sun delightfully exposed its sparkling face to the world and restrained the darkness. The earth was agreed with goldy sun lights. So, in this pleasant moment while Shehzad's eyes fell on Ayesha who was mounting towards him. He directly stood up and went to her and enfold her in his embrace. For a few minutes, they both stood silent in each other's arms. 

Their hearts were throbbing faster than usual. They knew that the sapling of their love would never be fruitful in this surrounding. Because Shehzad belonged to the Muslim religion while Ayesha came from the Hinduism community. They knew they have not committed anything wrong but still, their love was an eyesore for their religions and societies. 

The powerful walls of their religions stood between their love. But they decided to break these barriers to enterprise into the valley of love. Whenever they tried to convince their parents and their spiritual leaders to accept their love but unlikely each time they got opposite results. However, they were left with two choices; either to abandon the love or hand up to live more in this ruthless world. They brood over both of the options and finally chose the second option. The two lovers' eyes were flooded with tears and they went to the peak of a heavyweight mountain and jumped. At that moment the anguished cries of the two lovers filled the air. Flooded in blood, they were jumbled on the ground and lost their lives.

 So, this story teaches us that no one can separate true lovers. Their love gets stronger with the passage of the tie. They do not retreat after making love, even if their lives were lost. Love is something that a king can have with an ordinary girl. Differences are created by human beings such as wealth, community, country, religion and caste, or race. Love is something that does not see caste and wealth, as black and white. Love removes all these distances. Everyone should have the right to marry and fall in love with the person of their choice.

   Shafiq Shad

