The power of habits


 "Show me your habits, I will predict your future"

Having any good habits has acknowledged achieving success one day. Furthermore, what sorts of habits you adopt today, define your upcoming future rather these are good or bad is up to you. It is said, " everyone likes a person with good habits no one likes a person with bad habits". Even though off and on time some of the common people when they met their friends or family disrespect that has not been having good habits. Because a person who knows in the society by their good habits not bad habit. 

    Secondly, if we talk about the advantages of good habits there are numerous examples. Therefore, a student responded to give respect to his teacher when they met. A servant who is doing his job needs to work honestly and always give respect to the manager or boss. And every country and its people have its own set of habits. Here if we give the example of our last prophet Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) who was the messenger of Allah. When prophet Muhammed (PBUH) walked to the street of Makkah. An old man who always throws the dust on prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.b) the process has gone three days daily but prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h) never used a single word. One day Prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h) went to near her home but that time she didn't throw any dust and prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h) felt somehow odd because every day she filled the dust into the bucket and throw it on me but today she does not there. After that Prophet Muhammad (PBHU) were asking some people about her. One of them came near and said that she had gotten sick last night so that is why she didn't come outside at home. Moreover, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) went to visit her home and asked about her condition. When she saw his behavior she felt ashamed and apologized to him. Not only this, but she also accepted Islam. That is the power of good habits and how she was inspired by our Prophet's behavior. 


   Thirdly, now it turned to talk about the disadvantages of bad habits. It is better to know everyone without having good habits no one is giving us respect and no value in society and it is an organization that we are involved in.  Because respect wants to respect not wanted disrespect. So, if you pay bad words in your mouth and anyone then everyone keeps a distance to live with you. As a great personality is quoted, "think before you leap". It means before saying something then must think thousands of turns. 

     Thus, we must adopt some good habits and throw out those habits which are not valuable to our life.


   Shah Murad

