Ryan Holiday books


Ego is the Enemy (Book Summary)

Ego is the Enemy is written by Ryan Holiday, a well-known motivational book writer and thinker. Ryan Holiday has written a plethora of prescriptions that are useful for everyone. 

In this book, Holiday shows us how the ego is a barrier on the way to success, satisfaction, and true happiness. Holiday honestly believes that whatever you're doing, your worst enemy already lives inside you and that is your ego.

One of the best parts of this book is the advice to keep your sobriety. When you start gaining accolades and achievements, you must maintain them.

Furthermore, according to Holiday, many people just talk but don't act and work on it. They always say that they will do this and that but never do it. 

I found a nice quote in this book that is so relatable, "Those who speak do not know, those who know do not speak." 

The simple elaboration of this saying is that we should always go for working instead of talking about work.

The best part of this book is that Ryan says that every human being in the world should always seek to learn and should never consider himself perfect because human beings need to improve their skills with time. We always ought to be like students who are always eager to learn.

No matter how much success we get, never be egoistic and never feel proud because pride is the enemy of success and the shortest route to failure. Too much ego will kill Your talent.

"If you start believing in your greatness, it is the death of your creativity".

This is why you should never make judgments based on your ego. If you wish to conquer vices such as egoism, hostility, and jealousy, this book will help you. This book is not limited to any generation; anyone from any era can benefit from it.

Abdul Malik Rauf

