The power of now by Echart tolle book review and summary


" Don't cry over the past, it's gone. Don't worry about the future, it hasn't arrived yet. Live in the present and make it beautiful". 

The book is written by Eckhart Tolle and was published in 1999. It is divided into ten chapters. They are based on consciousness, mind, spirituality, enlightenment, and state of presence, happiness, and peace. The author mentions some motivational lines that how can we escape from anxiety or desires. The book discusses the conscious mind, unconscious mind, and enlightenment. The thing that compelled Eckhart Tolle to write this book, was that his life was colorless, fraught with hardships, and replete with adversities. He understood that problems are self-made, when the writer perceived this phenomenon as if my life is colorless so just I'm accountable for this, I have to do something,  I have to procrastinate it, just It was the mystery that changed his whole life and he became prosperous and colorful. After confronting all challenges, he intended to make people aware of his misdoings and sluggishness due to what, he faced failures.


The writer honestly believes that there is no past and future, and don't waste your time pondering about past moments,  You may go for thinking about your future, "I will do something tomorrow that will make me happy but believe me it is just the wastage of time. He suggested that these are only time-wasting excuses and never make them able to dominate you.  It is a clear message that enjoys your life and is alive in each second because your present moment decides your future and past. For instance, A car driver has to focus on the road if he or she wants to reach their destination. Don't think about what will happen because your present time will be the product of your future.

It is a fact that If we are disturbed by the memory of a bad event in the past, then this sadness reaches us from the past because we feel it in the present moment. Do not let your past and future devastate your present. This book states that every minute you spend worrying about your future or regretting your past is a waste of time.

This book tells the readers how to run in the world and how to control the mind. Therefore, this book can help the readers in manifold ways. After reading this advantageous book, you will be able to create positive thoughts about their future. According to the book, our mind is a great instrument but only at that time when we use it positively. It states that our anxieties are not associated with our circumstances rather it is dependent on our quality of thoughts.

    This specific book is lucrative for those people who still don't know how to live in the present because their minds do not allow them to live comfortably in the present. The writer states that when we start using our mind, our mind also starts using us. Our mind does not allow us to live in the present because our minds are always busy regretting the past and pondering about the future. Only at that time, we can get salvation from our worries when we learn to live in the present. Otherwise, our brain is enough to devastate our life.

This book is Profitable for those people whose thoughts dominate them. Such people focus on memories of the past or embarrassment that never allow them to enjoy the present moment. The author attempts to research "self-identity" and "inner peace", giving many examples with details of inner body awareness or a sense of inner freedom.

His examples have life-changing effects on people and take their steps to a new level of self-awareness. In the book, the author describes internal change on two different levels. However, First of all, he states that we must not ponder about something that does not have any existence.

Second, he explains how to free the mind to enjoy the inner state of life. Of course, we need to fall in love with the present moment and much more. the author says that Every minute you spend worrying about your future or regretting your past is a minute lost. the minute you spend worrying about your future or regretting your past is a minute lost.

Our body has limitations, but the mind does not focus too much and things get mixed up and that is clumsy to manage them. Guys do you know something? We are too concerned about what was what and what will be future we should forget the present. isn't it a good decision? Therefore, it is said "Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery but today is a gift that's why it is called present. 

“The Power of Now” is a spiritual and self-help book that tells us how to unlock the power of now.

The author of this book is Eckhart Tolle who was suffering from anxiety when he was 29 years old. He lost his zeal and enthusiasm in life but later became successful to come out of those situations. It is divided into ten chapters and the chapter is lucrative for its readers. This book is related to consciousness, mind, spirituality, enlightenment, and state of presence, happiness, and peace. The author has shared some powerful lines that make us able to get out of depression.

This book is useful for those people who are devastating their present moments by thinking about the upcoming time. The writer states that some people have become the slaves of their minds. We know that the future is unseen but still we are dejected about it. I believe that the first chapter of this book "You are not your mind", is very interesting. Here writer explains that our mind and body are two disparate elements. Therefore, we must not let our minds or thoughts overcome our bodies. If we become able to control our lives then no one can stop us from contentment.

At last, " The Power Of Now" shows that every minute you spend worrying about your future or regretting your past is a minute lost. Following the author's concept, we ought to focus on the present because it is the beauty of life.

Sattar Samad

