Looking for Alaska by John Green book review and summary


The book is based on a love story which is written by John Green. In this book, there are two main characters, Miles and Alaska Young. Miles is the boy who joins a boarding school where his complete life gets changed. When he joins the school, he does not find any familiar faces but with the passage of time, he gets many friends and companions. But his all friends are non-serious and don't take interest in reading. On the other hand, miles was fond of reading and learning. From those friends, one of them was Alaska who was sexy, romantic, beautiful, kind, and extroverted. Everyone was eager of making friendship with Alaska but Alaska was the girlfriend of Chip.  

 Alaska is the honest girl on the campus but she used to smoke and drink wine. She used to smoke a different kinds of cigarettes. She was also fond of reading books but she was having some bad habits. Once miles asked Alaska why she smokes too much. Then Alaska replied" you just smoke for enjoyment but l smoke for dying". 

Miles loved Alaska but he was not having the courage to confess. Finally, Miles says to her" I love you" and Alaska accepts his love. Their friendship turned into love even though she was the boyfriend of Chip. It was the time of night, their feelings and emotions were out of control. They were also drunk. Lots of things were running through their mind, Alaska falls while walking, and Miles pick her up. Miles wanted to lie down next to her on the couch, to wrap his hands around her and sleep but not fucking like movies. He wanted to just sleep with her but he was not having a gut and he was also gawky. At last, they slept with each other and kissed. Due to this offensive language and sexual story many institutions have taken out this book from their library.  After this romance and hot scene, miles went away. At the same time, Alaska remembers that today is the anniversary of her mother.  She used to put flowers on her mother's grave but it was the first time she had forgotten. She started her car and went away. She was also drunk. 

The next morning, the principal of the school announced that Alaska is no more which shocked Miles and completed school. Hostel supervisor Mr. Eagle asserted that she met with an accident last night. Miles immersed in deep thinking and was astonished how is it possible?. It was the end of their love story. 

Chip and Miles both blamed themselves because they always used to drink wine together. They understood their mistakes. It was difficult to forget Alaska because she was the first love of Miles.

No doubt, there is no guarantee of life, the sudden death of Alaska, taught them a lot of things about her friends. Her friends realized that we must avoid immoral thoughts and focus on our studies. Parents spend their money on us so that their children can get a better education but if someone doesn't read, it means he/she is baffling not only themselves but also their parents. As Osho said that the first love should be with yourself. If we love ourselves then people will love us. Therefore, as a student, our focus should be on education.

 Abdul Malik Rauf

