Lack of governmental English language academies

 In modern times, English has become a necessity for every human being. Although Urdu is our national language, the importance of English is increasing day by day and all tests and interviews are being changed to English instead of Urdu. Everyone is trying to enroll themselves in a good language center so that they can master English and there is no shortage of English language centers in any city. If there is any problem, it is only the poor who cannot enroll their children in the language center.

 There are millions of parents in Pakistan who want their sons to learn English, but due to poverty, they cannot educate their children because the monthly fees are increasing day by day.

All the language centers are private and earn their livelihood from monthly fees but unfortunately, you will not find a single government institution that teaches English to children for free. In school, they don't pay much attention to grammar and English speaking and only pay attention to the course. 

According to Google, The US and India are the countries where most people can speak English. After them, the third number comes from Pakistan. According to a survey, there are 92,316,049 English speakers in Pakistan and these are the people who can afford it. This proves that English is now compulsory in Pakistan. It has become very difficult to get a government job without English because now the competition is very tough. Rich people easily send their children to good institutions or hire a teacher at home, but poor people are victims of poverty and are unable to do so. 

I plead with the government to build free government English language centers in every city so that poor people can send their children for learning English. It can be a useful step towards success. 

Abdul Malik Rauf

