Impacts of inflation in Pakistan

     Inflation is the rate of raising prices of goods, materials, things, and those most important items which are obligatory in our daily life, and for that, we have to pay more money for getting the goods it is called inflation. There are several causes of inflation by which it begins in a country. For instance, Increasing the money supply, more investment, None productive expenditure, Corruption, increment in the import prices, etc. 


     Money supply means printing more money according to your needs. It will be more devaluate in the level of international by it would be the reason of inflation in a country. As the main example of our neighbor country like Iran. As well as more investment is one of the major causes of inflation. At the moment of investment, the economy's stock of wealth and money expands and it results in inflation.


    Using the money unusually as the result of inflation. Merely means the items or goods which are no need of you but still, you are using them then it means that just waste of money. Due to this inflation rise day by day. These unnecessary expenditures are called none productive expenditures. 


       Corruption is one of the biggest reason of being inflation in a country. According to a report which has published by The World Bank said that the main reason for a country being inflation is Corruption. The Corruption direction of the causality runs from inflation to Corruption. This implies that as inflation rise, this will aggravate the issue of inflation in the country.


       A country's importing and exporting exchange rate can influence the GDP level of the country and it will affect the country's economy. Due to this inflation will start in a country. On the hand, imports also rise the demotic price of the country. An import tariff will reduce the number of imports. 

        The inflation in Pakistan had begun on the day when former PM Imran Khan took the charge of PM. Before him, the economic stage of the country was the best but after him, it began to downfall. During the duration of PML- N Nawaz Sharif, the ratio of inflation was 2.86 percent. However, by dint of rising inflation, many effects have been seen. To the received information on social media, three thousand students left their education in Punjab because their parents cannot afford to provide them with education owing to it. According to the estimation, if the upwards spiral of inflation went unchecked, a further one million students will leave school. The educated people have demanded the government provide the publisher with printing paper at a subsidized rate so that the children can get books and stationery at a discount rate. Inflation would badly affect the literacy ratio in the country and more children will remain outside of school. On the other side, a professor who is teaching at (UOB) University of Balochistan said that 70 percent of students are those who cannot able to pay their semesters fee. Moreover, on account of a report was been published by UNICEF that 60 to 70 percent of children are out of school in Balochistan By dint of poverty. 


    Apart from these, the citizens of Pakistani are crying about the rising prices of goods. The poor sector is not getting three times food on daily basis. It also demolished the joint family too. They are weeping for such kinds of conditions. Inflation rise the living cost of the people. People do not know how to deal with this stage. By our corrupt leaders, we are likewise. 


    At the last, I would like to suggest to our economic planning management authority that you should take a good decision and make the economic condition nice. Find out the best solution and stop the rising inflation ratio as soon as possible. 

  Mahaz Ahmed

