How to remove negative thoughts ?

 The word negative occurs in minor but it wraps a heavy definition inside itself. Merely negative means to create awry ideas in your mind even if those ideas can be based on reality or fake. Somebody starts negative time whenever he or she becomes alone then they begin negative thoughts in their mind. As well as we understand that "Satan" is our greatest enemy whenever someone becomes lonely he starts creating fake thoughts in our minds.  However, it was verified by scientists that when a person is set in solitary he directly thinks pessimistically.  For instance, if your teacher assigns you that jot down the topic about "Negative thoughts" surely you write unfavorable facts in figures about the topic. As well as I have written my ones.

 The thing is that how do we curb adverse thoughts? In my opinion, somebody has to spend more and more time with his family and also friends because being busy is the best way to avoid negative feelings. A great personality quoted that" Alone mind is the home of Satan". Therefore, we make busy ourselves with family and friends as well as books.

Mahaz Ahmed

