

Friendship is a relationship that makes a person feel complete when they meet. Everyone needs a person in their life with whom they can share anything at any time without any hesitation. And only a friend can fill this gap in the life of any human being. Friends are the ones who keep many secrets about each other in their hearts.

Friendship is a relationship that a person comes to form in this world. The importance of this relationship is known when we are in trouble and there is no one to help us. Then there is a true friend who helps us by fighting against all kinds of situations and encourages us. A true friend is one who always stands by us in our sorrows and joys. we can share every feeling with our hearts without any hassle. A friend is the one with whom one wishes to share every happiness first. There are some friends in our life whom we never want to lose. But sometimes, due to some misunderstandings, distances do occur. So if there is a gap between you and your friend, now it is high time to break this gap.

  Meer Anwar Naz

