Causes of air pollution

 According to a new study by a team of international scientists, air pollution can cause lung cancer even in people who have never smoked cigarettes in their whole life. The polluted smoke of the traffic creates tumors in the body. These particles are 50 times smaller than the size of a human hair and these enter the blood through the lungs, making them more sticky, and causing inflammation. Especially, these hazardous particles are found in diesel, brake pads, tires, and road dust.

We know that these particles are detrimental but we have no control over how we inhale the particles. It is worth mentioning that at the beginning of this year, a survey reported that 1.8 million deaths occur every year due to air pollution. At last, I want to plead with the government to find ways of preventing these particles otherwise these particles will damage human lives.

 Shafiq Shad

