Book review: 13 things mentally strong people don't do

 This book is written by Amy Morin who was a psychotherapist. She happily married her lover and bought her house by dint of her own money. She extremely loved her mother but one day Amy received a call from her sister and her sister told her to come to the hospital. When she reached the hospital, he found that her mother is no more. She tolerated a lot in her life even after her husband Lincoln died, but she managed herself. She has written all her experiences in this book.

The main principle that somebody can learn from this book is that it suggests human beings do not feel sorry for anything. Self-pity makes us mentally weak. Don't blame your situation.  According to this book, Self-pity is the main cause that leads us towards manifold problems. It is just our misconception that we ponder that our problems are worse than others. We often go thinking that others are having a good omen but we are unlucky, thus it is the reason which put us in overthinking. It means we ought to take out this disgusting habit.

 The writer narrates an occurrence that once he saw an accident where two men collided with their bikes. Both bikes had minor damage. One of them started regretting why it always happens to him while the second man was grateful for his luck and shook hands with that man by saying " I am lucky that we are saved and sound". Both experienced the same event exact time but their perceptions were disparate. One was having grievances with his luck and the second man was considering himself a fortunate man.

This book tells us that always see the positive aspect of every situation. We should think that how lucky we are like others and just consider that your living the best life. As the writer says" We can't control our past, future, 

 thoughts, emotions, and other people, you can't control what happens to you, you can control how you respond"


  I have gotten and understood a lot about this book but I am going to share some suggestions on this book which I guess are mandatory to share and use.


1. Mentally strong people don't do the same mistake again and again. They find the solution of not making the same mistakes in the forthcoming time. They rectify their blunders and become stronger. 

2. They bring changes in their life and don't go for doing what they used to do. They bring improvements in their life and always want a change. 

3. They don't waste their energy on what which are out of control. For instance, sudden blockage of traffic and weather which are not in our hands and unpredictable situations. 

Don't expect immediate results because everything takes time to become possible and we must not leave the attempt after the first failure. They know that failure is part of the road to success. If you can't get success in the first attempt then rectify your mistakes and learn from them.  It is fact that we can't lose fat and can't make six packs in a week but if we take exercise daily then we can lose weight. That's why according to Amy Morin every individual should continue their journey till they acquire triumph. 

If somebody is searching for an amazing book then this book is the best for them. I assure you that you will acquire a lot of knowledge after reading this book.

   Abdul Malik Rauf

