Beware! Your Whatsapp account can be hacked easily

Whatsapp is counted as the most used app in the world. Almost Every smartphone user is having WhatsApp account. It is noteworthy that people are putting their privacy and personal details in danger because nowadays people are using uncertified Whatsapp which is available on websites. They download WhatsApp from unknown websites instead of downloading the play store. It is shocking to know that owners are taking out the personal detail of those people who are using their uncertified WhatsApp.

 Nowadays, there are many WhatsApp which are duplicates of the original Whatsapp. For instance, GB WhatsApp, An WhatsApp, Pink WhatsApp, YO Whatsapp, and others. Every individual uses uncertified WhatsApp because they are having more features than the original WhatsApp. But people are not aware of its dark side even the owner themselves confessed that our privacy and data are not saved.


 I request people to not use those WhatsApp which is available on websites because it may benefit us temporarily but in the forthcoming time this WhatsApp would be dangerous for us. Therefore, I plead that people download the WhatsApp from play store which protects their data.

Ishaq Ibrahim

